Autodesk revit mep suite
Autodesk revit mep suite

This has resulted in work proceeding from unfinished designs, work on the wrong set of drawings, and basically the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. For decades there’s been a disconnect among the building designers, the contractors and the operators. It hasn’t improved much, because the basic process of design-bid-build hasn’t changed much. Even sixteen years ago, it was estimated that the cost to the construction industry due to inefficiency – primarily waste and rework – was over $15-billion a year. Maybe they would have, if it hadn’t been for the specter of rework that has overshadowed the industry for so long. It seems that fax machines, cell phones and computer-aided design should have improved efficiency for a booming building industry.

autodesk revit mep suite autodesk revit mep suite

From 1964 to 2002, construction efficiency decreased despite the widespread use of new technologies in the 1980s and 1990s.

Autodesk revit mep suite